quarta-feira, 9 de fevereiro de 2011


I hate everything about you You look like a dog
I see these maggots showing up from a scar
I'm laughing out loud and I'm burning this out
Don't worry, because I will be here when you fail,
I will be there when you fall, and I won't cry for you

All my hope is gone, probably in the same stupid place that your soul is
I'll make you suffer, more that you could ever imagine
Run away, you can't go further
So i'll catch you and we'll suffer
Don't cry my dear, we can pray together
This is spairing me down
I don't even know what this shit means
Does anybody know??
My pain is growning but it won't never be bigger than yours, i know
Because i'll make it longer and deeper, you've never seen this before

Oh, do you really don't have anybody to help you?
I'm so sorry for you, i wish I had somebody too

Now I really understand why you were so aggressive,
And now YOU KNOW how I felt when you did it
When you did fucking hear this fucking stupid songs
This isn't a stupid song, everything you can hear is drums and screams
Whoa, you can't even understand a single word they say.
And you thought it was nice
You thought it would make you grow and be a nicer person..
Now you see that you were wrong, you've already seen how you and i have become.

i'll leave you now, feel free to suffer without me,
Try to move on
Like i tried
Good luck
I still love you
But i hate you too.

2 comentários:

Victor Von Serran disse...

gostei o seu blog sim e seu conteudo de certa forma remete ao meu,fiquei surpreso ao ver meu banner no seu blog antes mesmo de aceitar sua parceria.

beleza então, a partir de agora somos parceiros !

quanto aos outros, não gostei tanto da tematica, se adicionarem o banner e a quantidade de visualizaçoes aumentar posso até pensar dependendo de qual vier a maior quantidade.

Abraço.Parceira !

Uei Marques disse...

oh, sim!!!
parceria é sempre bem vinda *-------*

Já vou add seu banner na minha lista de comparsas ;P